Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fiddle Tune Histograms

Ever wondered which tunes you're going to get the most bang-for-buck learning? Which are the biggest hits? Well, you could go review our jams and pick out the ones that seem most common.

Or, as Chandler Becker did, you could write a program that does it for you! She's sent me these files (and promises to update them from time to time) of the frequency with which we play given tunes in all our jams, in Fiddle Club and Royal Mile alone, and a sorted tune name list. So if you're looking to see which tunes to learn, or are curious about the difference between the favorites of Fiddle Club's and the Royal Mile's session players, here you go!

Histogram of Tune Frequency
Royal Mile Tune Histogram
Fiddle Club Tune Histogram
Sorted Tune Name List

Thanks, Chandler!


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