Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February Royal Mile jam tunes

Despite the uncertainty over location, we had a fun jam at my house, with some new and less common faces, whom we hope we'll see again.

The tunes we played are:
Willie Fraser/Thomas MacDonnell/A Taste of Gaelic/Rannie MacLellan
Timour the Tartar/De'il Amang the Tailors
Flowers of Edinburgh/Loch Leven Castle/Barrowburn Reel/Fairy Dance
The White Cockade/O'er the Hills & Far Awa'
Maggie's Pancakes/Trip to Pakistan
Cock o' the North/The Steamboat Jig
Hamish Henderson's Refusal/Tam Lin/The Tongadale Reel/The Knockadhu Reel
The Smith's a Gallant Fireman
The Muckin o' Geordie's Byre/The Stool of Repentence
The Sailor's Wife/Mom's Jig
Jenny Dang the Weaver/The Ale is Dear/The High Road to Linton
The Duke of Fife's Welcome to Deeside/The Earl of Mansfield
King George's Army (aka The Kitchener's Army)/Duntallon Quickstep
Archibald MacDonald of Keppoch
Bonnie at Morn
Ye Banks & Braes
Guilderoy (Gm version)
Iggy & Squiggy


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