May Fiddle Club jam
Sorry for the delay. Here's what we played:
The Shetland Fiddler/Easy Club
Road to Banff/Scarce o' Tatties
Knockadhu Reel/Tongadale Reel
Bonnie Isle of Whalsey/O'oot Be Est Da Vong
Off She Goes/The Stool of Repentence
Ewie w/ the Crookit' Horn/The Lime Hill/Devil in the Kitchen/Brenda Stubbert's
The New Fiddle/Hull's Reel/MacArthur Road
Charlie Hardie/Laxo Burn
My Wife's a Wanton Wee Thing/The Sailor's Wife/The Cushion Dance
The Barrowburn Reel/Flowers of Edinburgh
Hughie Shorty's
MacKenzie Hay/Stirling Castle
Jenny Dang the Weaver
Sleepy Maggie/Tail Toddle/High Drive