Thursday, October 15, 2009

October Fiddle Club Jam

Bit of a delay in posting, but here it is:

Duke of Fife's Welcome to Deeside/72nd Highlander's Farewell/Earl of Mansfield
Highland Whisky
Flowers of Edinburgh/Jackie Tar
Dashing White Sergeant
Da Auld Resting Chair
Scarce o' Tatties/The Road to Banff
Bonnie at Morn
Lochanside/Oot Be Est da Vong
Harsh February/Maggie's Pancakes
Miss Ross'/Laxo Burn/Sean Maguire's
Leslie's March
Prince Charlie (slow reel)
Willie's Old Trews
Willie Davie/Lexy McAskill/Jenny Dang the Weaver/Ale is Dear/Duke of Atholl's Forest Lodge/High Road to Linton
Knockadhu Reel
Gloomy Winter
Da New Rigged Ship/Da Full Rigged Ship/Willafjord
Archibald MacDonald of Keppoch
On the Fiddle/Cape Breton Fiddler's Welcome to the Shetland Islands
The Lime Hill/Devil in the Kitchen

Monday, October 05, 2009

October Royal Mile Jam

Thanks to whomever wrote these tunes down for me, as I couldn't make this jam. I'm finally getting around to entering them here in March:

Sailor's Wife/My Wife's a Wanton Wee Thing/Stool of Repentance
The Piper's Wierd/MacCrimmon's Lament
Sarah the Merchant/Green Grow the Rushes/Hughie Shortie
General Leslie's Goodnight
All the Rage/Calliope House/Andy DeJarlis'/The New Fiddle/MacArthur Road
Wi' A Hundred Pipers
The Fairy Reel
Mrs. Spence's
Donald Blue
The Duke of Fife's Welcome to Deeside
The Iron Man/Highland Whisky/Jack Daniel's/The Easy Club
The Eternal Surge of the Sea
Brenda Stubbert's/Knockadhu
The White Cockade
Drops of Brandy/Cuzzle Together
Bonnie at Morn
Julia Delaney
My Cape Breton Home
Muckin' o Geordie's Byre/Atholl Highlanders/My Wife's a Wanton Wee Thing/The Cushion Dance