Thursday, November 25, 2010

November Fiddle Club Jam

Sorry for the delay again, here's what we played:

Miss MacLeod
Tongadale/Knockadhu Reel
Calliope House
Neil Gow's Lament for the Death of his Second Wife
Archibald MacDonald of Keppoch
Cutting Bracken
Cranking Out
Brochan Lom/Jenny Dang the Weaver (Hò rò ghoid thu 'n nighean)
The Muckin' o Geordie's Byre/The Stool of Repentence

Monday, November 15, 2010

November Fiddle Club Jam

We had a short jam after the Fiddle Club meeting. Our tunes were:

Miss MacLeod of Raasay
Tongadale Reel/Knockadhu
Calliope House
Neil Gow's Lament for the Death of his Second Wife
Archibald MacDonald of Keppoch
Cutting Bracken
Cranking Out
Stool of Repentence/Muckin' o Geordie's Byre
High Road to Linton

November Royal Mile Jam

Sorry for the delayed posting. Here's what we played:

Thomas MacDonnell/Willie Fraser
Mason's Apron/Barrowburn
Stool of Repentance/Muckin o' Geordie's Byre/My Wife's a Wanton Wee Thing
Smith's a Gallant Fireman/This is no my ain Hoose/Petronella/De'il Amang the Tailors
Laura Risk's Nine Pint Coggie/Skye Air
Willie Davie/Lexy McAskill/Jenny Dang the Weaver
Mor a' Chennaich/Lady Mary Hay's Scots Measure
The Burning of the Piper's Hut
Da Full Rigged Ship/Da New Rigged Ship/Da Ferry Reel/Willafjord/Spootiskerry
Bonne(?)/Katherine Oggie
Munlochy Bridge/Primrose Lasses/Hughie Shortie's
Neil Gow's Lament for the Death of his Second Wife
Sitting in the Stern of a Boat
Sailor's Wife/The Cushion Dance/My Wife's a Wanton Wee Thing
Sleepy Maggie
Rathven Market
Trip to Pakistan
The Drunken Piper/Terribus
Brochan Lom
Brenda Stubbart's/Molly Rankin's/?
Calliope House/Andy DeJarlis/The New Fiddle/MacArthur Road/Hull's Reel
Banks of Doon
The Sweetness of Mary/The Lime Hill/Highland Whisky/Jack Daniel's/Father Francis Cameron/Put Me in a Box
Shingley Beach
Jack Broke da Prison Door/Sleep Soond ida Moarnin/Lay Dee at Dee/Faroe Rum
The Day Dawes/Christmas Day ida Moarnin
Atholl Highlanders
The Merry Making/Clydesdale Lasses
Rob Roy MacGregor/As a Thoiseach
Bog an Lochan

Monday, November 08, 2010

November Royal Mile Jam

So it's been a while since I've posted, and I apologize. Rather than try to piece together my scratchy notes from the jams since I last posted, I figure I'll just pick up from the latest jam.

And the latest jam was a doozie! Thanks to everyone who came out to the Royal Mile to make it happen. Eight fiddles (with Doug sometimes on guitar), a piano, a cello, two guitars, bouzouki, two percussionists (with Scott sometimes switching to whistle), and then there was me on fiddle, reel pipes, flute, and whistle. We were almost too big for the pub, which was also packed with a grateful and appreciative audience!

Here are the tunes we played:
Thomas MacDonnell/Willie Fraser
The Mason's Apron/Barrowburn Reel
The Stool of Repentance/The Muckin' o' Geordie's Byre/My Wife's a Wanton Wee Thing
The Smith's a Gallant Fireman/This is No My Ain Hoose/Petronella/The De'il Amang the Tailors
The Nine Pint Coggie
(Laura Risk's version)/Skye Air Reel (Laura Risk's version)
The Terror Time/Willie Davie/Lexy McAskill/Jenny Dang the Weaver
Mor a Chennaich/Lady Mary Hay's Scots Measure
The Burning of the Piper's Hut
Da Full Rigged Ship/Da Ferry Reel/Willafjord/Spootiskerry
Bonnie at Morn/Katherine Oggie
Munlochy Bridge/The Primrose Lasses/Hughie Shorty's
Neil Gow's Lament for the Death of his Second Wife
Sitting in the Stern of a Boat
The Sailor's Wife/The Cushion Dance/My Wife's a Wanton Wee Thing
Sleepie Maggie
Rathven Market
Trip to Pakistan
The Drunken Piper/Terribus
Brochan Lom
Brenda Stubbert's/Molly Rankin's Reel
Calliope House/Andy Dejarlis/The New Fiddle
Hull's Reel/MacArthur Road
The Banks of Doon
The Sweetness of Mary/The Lime Hill/Highland Whisky/Jack Daniels' Reel/Father Francis Cameron/Put Me in a Box
Shingley Beach
Jack Broke da Prison Door/Sleep Soond ida Moarnin/Lay Dee at Dee/Da Faroe Rum
The Day Dawes/Christmas Day in the Morning
The Atholl Highlanders
Clydesdale Lasses/The Merry Making
Rob Roy MacGregor/As a Thoiseach
Bog an Lochan

Add to this a few songs:
Brochan Lom
Horo Ghoid Thu Nighean
Bodachan a' mhìrein/Chuirinn air a' phìob e
Hi Rì Him Bò
Auld Lang Syne