Saturday, March 15, 2008

March Fiddle Club Jam

Here's the round-up of tunes from the March Fiddle Club jam:

Skye Dance #27
Keep it Up
Mor a Chennaich/Spootiskerry
Bonnie at Morn
Devil in the Kitchen/The Drunken Piper/Barrowburn/The Shetland Fiddler/Easy Club
Fingal's Cave/Malcolm the Liar
The Sweetness of Mary
Sleep Soond ida Moarnin/Lay Dee at Dee/Da Ferry Reel
Alex Dan's/Trad. Reel #27/Put Me in a Box/Father Francis Cameron
Iggy & Squiggy/Molly Rankin's
Ruffian's Rant/Jenny Dang the Weaver/Pretty Pegg/The Ale is Dear/The High Road to Linton
The Sailor's Wife/The Cushion Dance
Calliope House/Andy DeJarlis'/The New Fiddle
High Drive
Banks of the Lossie
Northern March
The Tongadale/Tam Lin
Angus Chisholm's
Stirling Castle/The Forth Brig/Spey in Spate/The Miller
Bovaglie's Plaid
Squirrel in a Tree/Golden Rod Jig/The Directors
Jenny's Bawbee
Prince Charles

Monday, March 10, 2008

Gaelic song lyrics

We had some Gaelic songs last Royal Mile session, led by Nick and Liam. I thought this was a great addition to the jam - I'd love to see more songs in general, and Gaelic songs are a part of that. I asked Nick to email me the tunes they sang for us.

Tha Neacal a' sgrìobhadh (Nick writes):
Sheinn mise "Mo Chridhe Trom 's Mi Seoladh", agus "Chailleach Chrupach/Tha Bean Agam". Sheinn Liam "Ged a Sheol mi air M' aineol"

(Trans: I sang "Mo Chridhe Trom 's Mi Seoladh", and "Chailleach Chrupach/Tha Bean Agam". Liam sang "Ged a Sheol mi air M' aineol")

So for the fearless, here are the lyrics (and links to translation):

Mo Chridhe Trom 's Mi Seoladh
Sèist (Chorus):
Faili lè le bha ho / Faili lè le bha ho / Siuthadaibh ‘illean togaibh fonn / Mo chridhe trom ‘s mi seòladh.

Là dhomh ‘s mi gabhail sràid / Sìos is suas am Broomielaw / ‘S ann thachair rium a’ ghruagach bhàn / A dh’fhàiltich mi le sòlas.

Thuirt i rium am briathran ciùin / Thig a steach do’n t-seòmar chùil / Is gheibh thu an deòch as fheàrr na ‘m bùirn / Ma thig thu leam do’n t-seòmar.

Chaidh mi sin, ‘s gun d’fhuair mi ann / Deagh dheòch slàinte chaidh ‘nam cheann / ‘S mus tug mi sùil air dè na bh’ann / ‘S ann thuit mi thall ‘sa chòrnair.

Nuair a dhùisg mi as mo shuain / Mar gu’n dùisgeadh marbh a uaigh / ‘S ann bha mo cheann air càbhsair cruaidh / ‘S gun sgillin ruadh ‘nam phòcaid.

Thuirt an sgiobair dhol do’n chrann / Thuirt mi ris nach deidhinn ann / Thuirt e, feumaidh tu dhol ann / ‘S e sin a gheall thu dhòmhsa.

Ged a Sheol me air M' aineol
Sèist (Chorus):
Ged a sheòl mi air m' aineol/Cha laigh smalan air mi' inntinn/Ged a sheòl mi air m' aineol

'S ann à Boston a sheòl sinn/Dol air bhoidse chun na h-Ìnnsinn

Rinn sinn còrdadh ri captain/Air a' bhàrc a bha rìomhach

Trì latha roimh na Nollaig/Thàinig oirnn an droch shìde

Shèid i cruaidh oirnn le frasan/'S clachan mheallain a bha millteach

Cha robh ròpa 's cha robh òirleach/Nuair a reoth ann nach robh trì ann

Chaill sinn craiceann ar làmhan/Bha ar gàirdeanan sgìth dheth

Cha còignear nan seasamh/'S bha seachdnar nan sìneadh

Trì latha is trì oidhche/'S mi ri chuibhle ri droch shìde

Nuair a labhair an captain/"Illean tapaidh na dìobraibh

Nuair a ruigeas sibh cala/Bidh ur drama dhuibh cinnteach"

Tha lionn-diubh aig mo mhàthair/Is dùil aic' nach till mi

Still looking for the third song.

Monday, March 03, 2008

March Royal Mile Jam

Gads! We had a mighty session this last weekend. The pub was packed, which made it hard hear one another. But turnout was fantastic. We had a lot of new faces, with reams of fiddles, two violas, a cello, two guitars, a percussionist/whistler, a percussionist/smallpiper, and myself on fiddle, smallpipes, flute and Cittern. On top of it all, my Gaelic teacher, Nick Freer, showed up with some other Gaelic speakers, and gave us a few of the old songs. Thanks for everyone for coming out!

Here's what we played:
Devil in the Kitchen/High Road to Linton
Paddy's Leather Breeches
Soldier's Joy/De'il amang the Tailors/Timour the Tartar/Jack Daniel's Reel/Put Me in a Box
Duke of Fife's Welcome to Deeside/The Earl of Mansfield
The Marquis of Huntly/Flowers of Edinburgh/The Barrowburn Reel
Sitting in the Stern of a Boat
Squirrel in a Tree
My Wife's a Wanton Wee Thing/John Trotter's/The Detroit Jig/Glencoe Hall
Stirling Castle/Barrowburn Reel/High Drive
Trip to Pakistan
The Mason's Apron
The Miller
The Fairy Dance
The Muckin' o' Geordie's Byre/The Stool of Repentance
Iggy & Squiggy/Molly Rankin's Reel
Rocking the Baby
Monymusk (Strathspey & Reel)
Hull's Reel/MacArthur Road
Calliope House/Andy DeJarlis' Jig/The New Fiddle
Seann Truibhas Uilleachean
Rob Roy MacGregor/As a Thoiseach/Hughie Shortie's
St. Paul's Hornpipe
Stirling Castle/The Braes or Mar/The Orange and the Blue/Jenny Dang the Weaver/The Ale is Dear/Mrs. MacLeod of Raasay
The Sweetness of Mary/The Lime Hill/Highland Whisky/Miss Drummond of Perth/Brenda Stubbert's Reel/Father Francis Cameron
Da Full Rigged Ship/Da Ferry Reel/Lay Dee at Dee
The Atholl Highlanders/Jig of Slurs
Lady Magdelena SInclair (The Tailor's Wife)
The Wind that Shakes the Barley
Neil Gow's Lament for the Death of his Second Wife
Sailor's Wife/???
The Langour of Love

I think I either lost a page or didn't wrote everything down. I think it was only the latter.